Top STEM industries for Gen Z workers

Top STEM industries for Gen Z workers

Liron Oren

Written By Liron Oren

Access to skilled labour and top talent is vital for many industries, with the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) being no exception. However, it can often be challenging for these businesses to find workers with the right skills and level of experience. Although a solution might be coming as more and more workers from Gen Z enter the workforce with their sights set on the STEM sector. Below you’ll find information gathered by our business consultants on the top STEM industries that are showing suitability for Gen Z worker needs.

Who are Gen Z?

As recruiters, it’s important to understand the talent pool. This includes the prevailing skillsets, industry experience, and age demographics. Generation Z, known commonly as Gen Z, are made up of those born between 1997 and 2012. At the time of writing, Gen Z represents an estimated 32% of the global population and is expected to make up roughly 27% of the workforce by 2025. As such, it’s highly likely STEM businesses will be screening and hiring candidates from this generation. This is especially relevant given that recent research suggests 83% of manufacturing companies are experiencing labour shortages.

Gen Z characteristics predominantly stem from the modern age in which they were born. The group is defined as ‘digital natives’ due to spending much of their early lives surrounded by technology and having a presence on the internet. However, this is just one of the factors that make Gen Z who they are. The group’s priorities for work include:

  • Flexible working arrangements.
  • Opportunities to learn and develop.
  • Career progression.
  • Work fulfilment
  • Diversity and inclusivity.
  • Having financial security.

Which STEM industries appeal to Gen Z workers?

Bringing Gen Z workers into the workforce can generate a range of benefits for companies, especially those in STEM spaces. Firstly, Gen Z’s familiarity with technology is perfect for the STEM industry as it helps teams adopt new software and processes. On the other hand, certain STEM industries align well with the Gen Z values discussed above. If you are a business owner in one of the following industries, it’s advised that you adapt your recruitment drive to target Gen Z talent.

Careers in manufacturing offer almost unlimited flexibility and opportunities. This helps keep work fresh and provide stability. The result is that Gen Z-ers are more likely to see manufacturing as a worthwhile career path. Key subsectors within manufacturing include Automotive, Aerospace, Food, Textiles, Pharmaceuticals, and more. A recent report shows that Gen Z workers are being attracted to the pharmaceutical industry in particular, with salary still being a major factor.

Engineers have an active role in the world around us, from infrastructure to products we use every day. Doing this kind of work can be appealing to Gen Z, as their actions are having a tangible effect on society. Just as with manufacturing, engineering is a discipline that offers lots of opportunities for career growth, upskilling, and specialisation. For example, workers might choose civil engineering if they want to have a local impact, or mechanical engineering if they want to prioritise innovation. Plus, with the continued development of virtual reality and imaging technology, there are more flexible working opportunities within the industry.

Another characteristic of Gen Z is that they have grown up during a time where climate change has been discussed more and more. As a result, many feel a social responsibility to only operate in ways that limits their environmental impact. Working in the renewable energy sector can give Gen Z an immense sense of job satisfaction as it supports their commitment to environmentalism. This is a sentiment shared by Jigsaw Business Group, which is why we offer sustainable support for businesses in the form of Solar PV Maintenance, Repair, and Warranty services.

Construction allows Gen Z to have a hand in adding to cities through the creation of modern buildings, working on infrastructure developments, conducting repairs, and much more. Working in construction can therefore have a strong sense of purpose, ticking the box for meaningful work. On top of this, there is a great deal of flexibility, with Gen Z workers free to decide which type of projects best align.

A STEM recruitment agency for upcoming talent

The Jigsaw Business Group will help you harness the power of Gen Z workers to help develop your company grow. We do this by providing specialist services for a range of different STEM industries, which is made possible thanks to the experience of our team. For instance, we can serve as both manufacturing process improvement consultants and recruitment consultants for specific manufacturing projects. Simply get in touch to chat about your needs and book a free consultation to take your first steps.

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